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The Importance of Proper Waste Disposal: A Guide for Individuals and Businesses

Commercial, Domestic Skip Hire

The Importance of Proper Waste Disposal: A Guide for Individuals and Businesses

Never before has the way we handle our waste been so important. 

Of course, disposing of waste responsibly is vital because of the long-term repercussions on the health of the planet, but for businesses in particular, there’s a lot more to it than that.

In short, not dealing with your waste responsibly could cost you money and lose you customers. Meanwhile, individuals and homeowners also need to make sure they’re treating the matter seriously if they don’t want to find their neighbourhoods dirty and run down and themselves in trouble with the authorities.

In this article, we’re going to examine three key reasons for businesses and another three for individuals for why proper waste disposal is so important 

Why is proper waste disposal important for businesses?

Compliance with legislation

There are more and more rules surrounding the disposal of waste by commercial and industrial companies, with more to follow in the next year or two. Failure to stay on top of and follow the law as it applies to business waste disposal is likely to result in possibly substantial fines and other punishments.

It Can save money

Until you start tracking the waste you produce, you may not be aware of just how much it’s costing you. Efficient waste management is likely to lead to more efficient processes that could reduce the amount of materials wasted, and in turn lead to lower costs and potentially bigger profits. 

Provides transparency for customers

Consumers are undoubtedly more concerned with environmental issues, with many making purchasing decisions based on how individual companies match up to their concerns.

You may think that you’re saving money in the short term by cutting corners, but such an approach is likely to leave you with a bad reputation that might mean potential customers going elsewhere.

Why is proper waste disposal important for individuals?

Helps the environment

We all know that proper waste disposal – by which we mean disposing of hazardous materials carefully and reusing or recycling materials instead of sending them to landfill – is better for the environment as a whole, but your immediate neighbourhood is also a nicer place to live when everyone within it follows sensible and responsible waste management practices.

Poor waste management can make all our environments less appealing to be in as a result of litter, vermin and unpleasant odours.

Compliance with rules and regulations

We’ve already talked about how businesses can transgress by not following the rules on waste disposal, but it can be just as easy for individuals and homeowners to do the same.

Littering comes in many forms – all of which are illegal – but one that we have seen far too much of in recent years is fly-tipping. But did you know that if you pay someone else to dispose of your waste and they do it by fly-tipping or some other illegal means, you are just as liable for prosecution as they are?

Ensure your home is environmentally safe

We’ve discussed how careless or irresponsible waste disposal can be bad for the environment, but it’s important to remember that it can also be bad for people’s health.

Whether it’s hazardous waste leaking into the soil or local streams and rivers or flies and rats being drawn to residential areas in search of food, the potential for spreading diseases and illnesses can be huge.

If you want to manage your business or individual waste disposal more efficiently and more responsibly, skip hire from Enfield Skips Ltd is the answer. Our huge range of skip sizes means we’re sure to have the most cost-effective solution for all your domestic waste clearance requirements.

Meanwhile, commercial customers can benefit from active waste management solutions that make running their business easier and more efficient and construction companies can ensure a cleaner and safer site for all their staff and visitors.

If you’d like to know more, our team is ready to answer any questions you might have – so why not get in touch with us today?
