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How to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Be Less Wasteful in 2020

Recycling, Tips & Advice

How to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Be Less Wasteful in 2020

We urgently need to reduce our negative impact on the earth, and everyday people implementing daily lifestyle changes is the beginning. One of the simplest and most effective ways of helping the environment is to follow the ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ motto. So we have gathered some background information and helpful tips on how to ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ for those of you that are looking to be more eco-friendly in 2020. 


The history of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ and why it is important: 

The slogan ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ originated in the 1970s, when the environmental movement first began. The 1970s was a time of change – people were revolting against a range of world issues, and also becoming aware of our influence on the planet. During this period, the first edition of The Ecologist was published, the British branch of Friends of the Earth began, and The Green Party was created. It is estimated that the slogan was invented during this time, when recycling and conservation were becoming more important, and governments were pushing for people to become more environmentally conscious.

The slogan is quite simple: ‘reduce’ is encouraging people to reduce the amount of waste they produce, ‘reuse’ refers to thinking of different ways to use items you would usually throw away, and ‘recycle’ is telling people to have the materials they use turned into new products instead of being wasted.


Reasons why this eco-friendly system is beneficial:

  • Reduces the effects of landfills:

Landfills are a waste of land, and the materials stashed in them do not break down for millions of years. They also produce methane and other gases and can cause groundwater contamination.

  • Conserves natural resources: 

Reusing items lowers the amount of resources being used to make new ones, such as trees and mined materials. 

  • Prevents pollution:

Manufacturing processes emit vast amounts of emissions, and so by buying less new products you are reducing the amount of pollution created.

  • Lowers energy consumption:

Excessive amounts of energy is used for creating materials and products, so by reducing the amount of resources you use, you will save precious energy that can be used in other more important ways. 


Tips for being less wasteful:


  • Email people instead of sending letters
  • Choose cloth serviettes instead of paper
  • Take your name off mailing lists that send you useless pamphlets/coupons 
  • Don’t buy disposable items such as plates, spoons, cups etc.
  • Buy products that are good quality, so they will last for longer


  • Repurpose old wood by making new items
  • Donate books and clothes to charity shops so they can be used by someone who needs them
  • Choose rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones
  • Jars and pots can be cleaned and kept to store other items 
  • Be inventive: for instance, an old tyre can be made into a tyre swing 


  • Make an effort to buy products that can be recycled, rather than single-use items
  • Choose items that have been created from recycled products 
  • Don’t buy products that contain hazardous materials that cannot be recycled
  • Research how to recycle properly and where to recycle each item so that products don’t accidentally end up in landfill
  • Thoroughly clean all of the items you recycle so they aren’t contaminated


Here at Enfield Skips, we are a skip hire and waste management company that focuses on being environmentally conscious. All of the waste our facility receives is processed reliably, safely and in an eco-friendly way, and we recycle 90% of it. We cater to customers across Enfield, Cheshunt, Hoddesdon, and all of Hertfordshire. So if you want to learn more about helping the environment, or find out more about our services, contact us today.
