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What can’t I put in a skip?

Skip Hire

What can’t I put in a skip?

Skips are great, they help us get underway with a huge array of projects, but what you might not know is, there are some things that can’t go inside a skip. To avoid any confusion Enfield Skips are here to set things straight, all so you can go about your project in peace without worrying about paying fines or damaging the environment around you.

Why can’t all waste go into landfill?

If we were to mindlessly throw toxic waste into the ground and cover it up, we would be faced with a number of deadly issues. Simple, everyday items like batteries from the television remote or flat battery discs from weighing scales, pollute the soil when placed into landfill. Batteries contain a number of poisonous chemicals including nickel, lead, mercury and various other dangerous chemicals; all of which are hazardous to both us and the environment. These chemicals permeate through the soil and into water supplies which we and other animals might consume.

The following things can’t be placed inside a skip:

  • Air conditioning units
  • Asbestos
  • Batteries
  • Electrical equipment
  • Fluorescent tubes
  • Fuel
  • Gas cylinders
  • Medical waste
  • Plasterboard
  • Solvents and paints
  • Tyres

Why can’t these items be placed into a skip?

Asbestos is an incredibly hazardous material that, when uprooted, can cause serious life threatening health issues to yourself and others that breath in any of the released fibers.  Asbestos must never be thrown into a skip, it is in fact illegal to reuse or recycle it. It must be disposed of by trained professionals.

Batteries – as explained above, these items must be disposed of appropriately. You can send them to battery banks where they will be recycled by the local authorities. Alternatively, use rechargeable batteries, this is a great way to eliminate any battery wastage and ensure a better, brighter future.

Electrical equipment –  is a pain to get rid of because it can be hard to know what to do with it but it must not be disposed of in a skip. Electrical equipment, whether that’s your phone charger, hair curlers or washing machine, needs to be taken to the WEEE – Waste Electrical and Electronics facility.

Fuel – like batteries, is packed full of chemicals that must not be placed into a skip. Fuel must be taken to licensed waste plants to be disposed of by professionals.

Solvents and paints – residue can sit inside solvent cans and paint tubs which also pollutes the soil. These items must not be placed into a skip, if they are found in a skip you might find that the skip company refuse to take it away until it is removed.

Gas cylinders – full or empty, these items are a potentially dangerous, which is why they must be recycled appropriately.

Medical waste – anything that involves needles and bandages can cause contamination and this can spread quickly. Medical waste must be disposed of through clinical means.

Tyres – it is illegal to dispose of a tyre carelessly, these items require special treatment and must be taken to special recycling plants.

Enfield Skips have a wealth of experience and a dedicated waste management team on hand, ready to offer a number of comprehensive services including skip hire, general waste disposal and recycling. We work throughout a number of locations including Hertfordshire, Essex, London and the surrounding areas. Whatever it is you need, please feel free to get in touch today – we’re happy to help.
